Abbreviations for Bottlings, Quality Levels, and Packaging

Wine Abbreviations

Etiketten / Labels

besch. beschädigt damaged
E: Etikett(en) Label(s)
F: Füllniveau ullage
Fl. Flaschen bottles
neuw. neuwertig mint condition
VdT Tafelwein Vino da Tavola
ver. verschmutzt stained
Z. Zustand condition
zer. zerrissen damaged

Abfüllungen / Bottlings

AOC / AC Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée controlled designation of origin
AOP Appellation d'Origine Protégée has been used since 2012 instead of AOC / AC
DOC(G) Denominazione di origine controllata (e garantita) controlled (and guaranteed) designation of origin
DOP Denominazione di Origine Protetta has been used since 2009 instead of DOC(G)
EB Englische Abfüllung English bottled
FB Französische Abfüllung French bottled
MC Schloßabfüllung château bottled
MO Domaine Abfüllung domaine bottled
QbA Qualitätswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete quality wine from a designated region
VdP Verband deutscher Prädikats- und Qualitätsweingüter Association of German Quality and Prädikat Wine Estates

Gebinde / Packing

CH. Château Château
HK Holzkiste wooden case
OC Original Karton original carton
OHK Original Holzkiste original wooden case
WG Weingut Wine estate

Prädikat / Wine Type

BA Beerenauslese selected berry harvest
Eisw. Eiswein ice wine
GG / GC Großes Gewächs Grand Cru
GCC Grand Cru Classé Classified Grand Cru
halbtr. halbtrocken half dry
(L)GK (Lange) Goldkapsel (Long) Gold Capsule
TBA Trockenbeerenauslese dried berry selection
tr. trocken dry

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